Tuesday, May 22, 2007


So it's been a while and I haven't quite stuck to my goals...But I will get better...Except over the next few days at least, maybe longer, I'll be staying with a friend who doesn't have the net...bugger hey?

Anywho, last night I went to the P!NK concert...totally amazing!!! Left me speechless lol...although from the amount I was talking to mum on the way home from it you'd never know...

And I'm not sure if I told you about the 3kg I lost before...well, now it's up to a grand total of 5kg!!! in about...erm...two-and-a-half weeks...ish...

Not really much else to report...Mum and I are still getting along really well though, so that's good...Not sure if I can get to the cottage tomorrow either, but I shall try

Love you all xx


Tesah said...

Pink concert? very cool! And 5 kg is very cool too!

~*Rylah*~ said...

Hey, good to hear from you again. Congrats on the 5kg, that's awesome!

I'm so jealous you went to the pink concert, I would have loved to have gone! My friend bought tickets late last year, then found out she was pregnant so couldn't go because the noise levels would be too loud for the baby. Bugger, I was going to go with her but she had to sell the tix.

Glad you have posted. You sound better?

Take care,
J xXx

Mandabearbaby said...

5kg means I'm on my way lol.

The concert was absolutely awesome and everyone would have loved it. But I might just be biased haha.

I feel better :) thanks :)

Still love you all :P xx

~*Rylah*~ said...

Missing you...

Unknown said...

amanda- do you know you have three books out from the library since March ???????????????????
the fees, child, the fees.........
we will work something out, come back soon,
Lisa xxx

Tesah said...

Hi Manda, please let us know what been happening with you, either on Blogland or at the Cottage!